[TAC] Total XF1 Anti-Spam Collection Complete

[TAC] Total XF1 Anti-Spam Collection Complete [Paid] 1.2.92

No permission to buy ($48.00)
Thanks so much for your reply.... no-one can register now as it says try again later server is down... might be related to this install or might not be.
I must be doing something wrong.... new users can not sign up now. I tried to sign up as a new user and got this:

A server error occurred. Please try again later.

when in the admin back end i get an error log code:

XenForo_Exception: Invalid model 'FoolBotHoneyPot_Model_HoneyPot' specified - library/XenForo/Model.php:192
Generated By: Unknown Account, Today at 9:00 PM
2 more issues, urgh!

1) another issue is that i paid for no branding and this is what is under the captcha image on my registration page.. How do i remove?
(CustomImgCaptcha By Surrey Forum)

2) i disbled the honeypot so i can get new users to be able to sign up and this is what they get: (they tried using a hotmail email and that should not be an issue)
  1. Sorry you've been detected against the Stop Forum Spam database
* Not too happy with spending 4 hours trying to fix to get users able to register again.
2) i disbled the honeypot so i can get new users to be able to sign up and this is what they get: (they tried using a hotmail email and that should not be an issue)
  1. Sorry you've been detected against the Stop Forum Spam database
* Not too happy with spending 4 hours trying to fix to get users able to register again.
On this one.. it means that your user name or email or IP has been detected on Stop Forum Spam. That's on them, not the add-on (unless you are using to many restrictors).
I just tried a new registration and i got:

Please correct the following errors:
  1. Sorry you've been detected against the Stop Forum Spam database
AND..... my ip is a good one ;)
under new registrations in the admin panel... should i turn off the following:

Stop Forum Spam:
  • Check new registrations against the StopForumSpam database.
* because i dont need it now that i have this app?
I just tried a new registration and i got:

Please correct the following errors:
  1. Sorry you've been detected against the Stop Forum Spam database
AND..... my ip is a good one ;)
There are three things it can check agains. Username, user email and the IP. It depends on how many selectors you have (and if you are using the add-on then you should not use the built in).
I disabled this: TAC AnyApi and guess what? honeypot works. Why have both as part of your package to buy if they can not be used together?
I disabled this: TAC AnyApi and guess what? honeypot works. Why have both as part of your package to buy if they can not be used together?
They both work fine together on the RELEASED version of XenForo. A BETA (and officially unsppported) version that introduces new (and similar features) should be expected to cause problems until it (the resource) is updated. To expect any different is a tad bit unreasonable, especially considering that 1.4 BETA was released not very long ago and, with it being a BETA is still subject to change.

If it's that important that all your add-ons work, it is recommended that you NOT run a BETA on a live site until you are assured that all your add-ons have been updated for compatibility. Checking on that aspect is the forum owners responsibility. That is why it's recommended to run a test site to check for compatibility and not just installing it on your live site because it's there for you to use.

i am not using the custom captch now because branding is under it and the images are like from 1989s. Anyways i was thinking of using this Slider Captcha http://xenforo.com/community/resources/xf-qaptcha.1241/ but support is gone on it and dont know if it will work on xenforo 1.3.4. Is anyone using the honeypot with the slider captcha? Thanks
The appropriate place to ask that question would be under that add-on resource discussion area... not in this resource discussion area... You are more likely to get a response there (and I quit using it because it had problems and had to have a special fix done to it to work).

i am not using the custom captch now because branding is under it and the images are like from 1989s. Anyways i was thinking of using this

You do realize that you can add your own images to it that you want to use don't you? You can make them as modern looking as you want - and further there are additional images available in the resource area to use that are a little "neater". The puzzle solving ones have issues of their own that I personally don't like.

And no, I'm not an official spokesperson for the add-on nor a support person. I'm just a very happy user of it and know that when the BETA's come out there is a lag for certain add-ons to be updated.
Last edited:
Thanks for your posts and help. Good points! Thanks. xenfor.com is running 1.4 now and looks like no problems. I am running 1.3.....
Am afraid your Surrey forum doesn't seem to want to allow me to download, even when registered:

Surrey Forum - The free online Surrey community - Error
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
This not working with Xen 1.4?
Having problems and users can't sign up.. There are two fields for 'name"

and then it says this when you try sign up even though the fields aren't present

This not working with Xen 1.4?
Having problems and users can't sign up.. There are two fields for 'name"

and then it says this when you try sign up even though the fields aren't present

Most of it is not.... since the honeypot features are now built in.
Ya, I had people tell me they are not able to regisgter any more either since 1.4 update.

Can you please update your addons?

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to undefined method XFCP_Tac_FoolBotHoneyPot_ControllerPublic_Register::_getRegistrationDataFromInput() - library/Tac/FoolBotHoneyPot/ControllerPublic/Register.php:22
Generated By: Unknown Account, 14 minutes ago
Ya, I had people tell me they are not able to regisgter any more either since 1.4 update.

Can you please update your addons?

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to undefined method XFCP_Tac_FoolBotHoneyPot_ControllerPublic_Register::_getRegistrationDataFromInput() - library/Tac/FoolBotHoneyPot/ControllerPublic/Register.php:22
Generated By: Unknown Account, 14 minutes ago
Did you read the post right above yours? @tenants commented in the FoolBotHoneyPot add-on discussion thread (if I remember correctly) that it would not be updated since it was now a core feature and if you were running a 1.4.x series to disable/remove it.
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