[TAC] Total XF1 Anti-Spam Collection Complete

[TAC] Total XF1 Anti-Spam Collection Complete [Paid] 1.2.92

No permission to buy ($48.00)


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tenants submitted a new resource:

TAC(Tenants Anti-Spam Collection) - Anti-Spam Complete Collection (version 1.0.0) - Anti Bot, Anti Country, Anti human, Api, Captcha ... Anit SPAM Collection!

TAC(Tenants Anti-Spam Collection) - Anti-Spam Complete Collection

This is the complete collection of AntiSpam Tools provided by Tenants (Michael Page)

There are currently 6 add-ons to this collection, these tools will make all spam irrelevant.

This is the paid version of TAC Anti Spam, which is brand free.
(There will also be a free version which contains branding)
TAC Anti Spam includes the following Add-ons:

1) AnyApi: Use Any Api On Registration (anti spam, anti fraud, any...

Read more about this resource...
Awesome :) Without sounding like a penny pinching scrooge, is their any discount if you have already purchased one of the add-0n's in the pack? :love:
For those that already own FoolBotHoneyPot (before Today, 04/03/2013)... I'm going to throw this collection over to you for free.
But.. on the condition that you don't complain when I give another collection out that's exactly the same as this, but it will containing branding (and it will be free for everyone)

The FoolBotHoneyPot users have really made it possible to make this Add-on collection (The other plugins didn't make nearly as much), so it's free to upgrade for users of FBHP (as a thank you)

It's a very complete anti spam collection, I'll still be improving the StopHumanSpam part, but apart from that, everything thing else has had quite a few versions.. and as you know FBHP stops 100% of bots, any API allows you to add just about any API, you can block known "spam countries" .. kill spam with your own Custom Image Captcha, and well... the rest of the descriptions are in the links ;) There's a lot to it

I'll add all FoolBotHoneyPot users to the paid version (unbranded version) now.

The add-ons are now located in a sub folder "library/Tac"

I haven't found a problem upgrading, but it might be safer to un-install your previous versions (if you have a previous version of anything above)
I've just installed the pack, and found one bug with FaceBookRegCaptcha

Just replace the file located here:

With the attached (It will be fixed in the next version, but I would rather concentrate on making updates for StopHumanSpam for now):


Who would have thought moving a few files into a folder could cause so many issues, I'll update it now
oh, wait... if you are using this with FBHP, turn off stopProxies (it's not needed, and you'll get more information from FoolBotHoneyPot about the bots)
oh, wait... if you are using this with FBHP, turn off stopProxies (it's not needed, and you'll get more information from FoolBotHoneyPot about the bots)


Hahahahaha ...

I untick "Enable StopProxies", then click 'Save Changes' and the browser immediately loads http://xenforo.com/community/threads/stopcountryspam-paid.36271/#post-412948 as a result of clicking the Save Changes button. Reload /admin.php?options/list/StopCountrySpam and 'Enable StopProxies' is still selected/ticked. Thus, I cannot turn it off :eek:
How bizarre, well I've just made a fix... can you give it a whirl and let me know if you see the same issue

Tac Anti Spam - Paid (Brand Free)_v1_0_0e.zip
Okay, I thought I tested this.. but I realise why you saw the errors but I didn't.

I use StopBotResource, so the bots that usually get logged with stopProxies don't even make it to the registration page.. hence, I would never have seen the bug.

The redirection, that's just plain weird, let me know if it happens again with the latest version
How bizarre, well I've just made a fix... can you give it a whirl and let me know if you see the same issue
No, no more of that issue in the log. But I also turned-off the StopProxies, so perhaps that has corrected it anyways.

The redirection, that's just plain weird, let me know if it happens again with the latest version
Looks to have been a local browser issue, sorry. Swapped from Safari to Chrome and it worked properly.
I had someone try to register and they got this when trying to register. What do I need to do to fix it.

Please enter a value for the required field 'request_response'.
Please enter a value for the required field 'country_detected'.
oh, you need to set up StopCountrySpam if you've installed it.

There are two fields in the StopCountrySpam options, under the fields it mentions you need to set these by following the instructions here:

I did have these filled by default, but I don't think it is right to do so.

To set these, you can use any of the following settings

JSON Request: http://api.easyjquery.com/ips/?ip="{$ip}"&full=true (now tested and supported)
Index Name: countryCode2

JSON Request: http://ip2country.sourceforge.net/ip2c.php?format=JSON&ip={$ip} (now tested and supported)
Index Name: country_code

JSON Request: http://freegeoip.net/json/{$ip} (now tested and supported)
Index Name: country_code

JSON Request: http://smart-ip.net/geoip-json/{$ip} (now tested and supported)
Index Name: countryCode

JSON Request: http://api.ipinfodb.com/v3/ip-country/?key=XXX&ip={$ip}&format=json (untested)
... you will need to request a key from this site before using (and use this key in your JSON request string, instead of XXX)
Index Name: countryCode

JSON Request: http://api.wipmania.com/{$ip} (now tested and supported)
Index Name: (none)

And if you register, they provide you a key for free
JSON Request: http://api.wipmania.com/{$ip}?k=XXX&t=json (now tested and supported)
Index Name: country['code']

literally copy and paste the values into the two fields,
Obviously, when it say "none" above, leave the field blank



I personally use wipmania, since they offer infinite requests, regular updates and its free, see here: http://www.wipmania.com/en/api/#apitab_wie_a
They also have paid versions which is more reliable, the free version only returns the country code (but that's all StopCountrySpam requires)
Okay I have everything setup just like in the pic and I am still getting this error when I try to register a "dummy" account.

Please enter a value for the required field 'country_detected'.
Got the one issue fixed now when trying to register a "dummy" account it gives the error about not accepting new registrations. What am I doing wrong?
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