Tablet or not tablet ?


Well-known member
I wonder if you use a tablet in addition to your computer?

And if so, for what purpose and what tablet do you use?
Been using a iPad 2 for around 3 years now. Like Brogan I didn't think I needed it, more or less got it to see how usable it would be in my offline business. Turns out that it ended up being extremely useful for calendar events, customer list and invoice/estimates. It was so handy, my father (73 at the time) and business partner ended up getting one and uses it daily. He always says "Why did I wait so long to get one of these!".
I use a Nexus 7.

I mainly use it when I'm lying in bed and can't get to sleep... It works just as well as my laptop for browsing.

I also use it for random games... Oh, and for checking some stuff on the internet when my laptop is busy.
Bought a tablet three times, sold it every time. They're in a genre between the phone and the laptop, and it never suited my needs. Thumbs down.
Haven't used my laptop since I got the tablet.

I even took the tablet with me last year when I was on vacation, instead of the laptop.
I didn't see the need for a tablet either until I bought my Nexus 7. Now I use it all the time, it's so much more convenient to use whilst sat on the sofa in front of the TV instead of a laptop on my knees.

I still use a laptop for work purposes and when doing admin stuff on my forums (installing add-ons, cos tweaks etc). For more 'casual' stuff I'll use my tablet.
I got an iPad Mini primarily to compliment my array of other iOS devices. its now really nothing more to me then a useful tool to troubleshoot and test forum behavior on mobile/tablet devices. I use my iPhone for just about any other mobile related activities.
I've got one. Barely use it. Just don't see the point of them. Push comes to shove, I'd prefer a small 13" ultrabook with optical drive.
I've got one. Barely use it. Just don't see the point of them. Push comes to shove, I'd prefer a small 13" ultrabook with optical drive.
Tell me about it. Tablets are for people who just surf the net, if you're going to be just a little bit productive the laptop is lightyears ahead and will stay that way for the foreseeable future.
Hardly ever.

I should also add, if you have a young child, tablets are great for them.
Far easier to use than a keyboard and mouse.
Hardly ever.

I should also add, if you have a young child, tablets are great for them.
Far easier to use than a keyboard and mouse.
Yes, 2 boys (2 and 6 years).

I have the galaxy note 2 (phone), and it is true that I never used the stylus.
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