XF 1.5 Switched from SMF to XF and I have lots of questions

Wow the Xenforo software is a huge step up from SMF and I'm really liking it. The support community seems to be very active as well and I hope you can answer some questions for me. I've been reading the manual and FAQ's and can't find answers to all my questions. I'll number them to make it easier to respond to.

1. I have my moderators imported from SMF and they are able to edit threads and do the basic moderator functions. I have a user group setup for Moderating. When I go into their profiles and select that group they can't view any content. See below. It's almost like the it's doubling up and cancelling each other out. The moderator setup in the manual hasn't been much help with this. Any idea what's going wrong?


2. Where can I find and edit the rules text?

3. What directory are the uploaded images and avatars stored in?

4. How do I expand sub-forums so they show all the time?

5. How do I extract all users email addresses?

Wow the Xenforo software is a huge step up from SMF and I'm really liking it. The support community seems to be very active as well and I hope you can answer some questions for me. I've been reading the manual and FAQ's and can't find answers to all my questions. I'll number them to make it easier to respond to.

1. I have my moderators imported from SMF and they are able to edit threads and do the basic moderator functions. I have a user group setup for Moderating. When I go into their profiles and select that group they can't view any content. See below. It's almost like the it's doubling up and cancelling each other out. The moderator setup in the manual hasn't been much help with this. Any idea what's going wrong?

View attachment 150507

2. Where can I find and edit the rules text?

3. What directory are the uploaded images and avatars stored in?

4. How do I expand sub-forums so they show all the time?

5. How do I extract all users email addresses?

Welcome to Xenforo! As far as your questions go, I will do my best to assist.

  1. Just assigning a user to a user group will not provide them moderator or admin privileges. To accomplish that you would go into your Admin Control Panel (ACP) and click the users tab and then moderators link on left side menu and click “create new moderator” button. Here you can choose a global mod or specify the forums. You will also wish to read up on the user permissions system and inheriting from the "registered" group when creating usergroups.
  2. Depending on which “rules” you are referring these would be under Appearance tab and Phrases on left side menu for default “rules” that came with software. You can then search under phrases for keywords for editable items in the software. What I believe you are looking for is terms_rules_text. You can also create your own help pages, Home tab and Help Pages on left side menu under Options section.
  3. Depending on any customizations from default you made and the style you are using will determine where such items as avatars are stored. I would say normally the location would be something like /styles/your current style/xenforo/avatars
  4. Try under Appearance tab, click on Style Properties on left side menu and make sure the current style you wish to edit is selected, then choose Forum/Node list and uncheck the box for “Show sub-forums popup”
  5. The easiest way I know would be to go to Users tab and click on email users on left side menu under Contact Users section. Check the box that says “only generate a list of email addresses” then scroll to bottom and click continue, you will be presented with a list of all user email addresses on next screen.
Ok, 2, 3, 4, and 5 I'm set on. Thanks for the info.

#1 is still a problem. Let me explain further. The moderators were imported into XF. When I select Moderator it shows the moderators and lists the forums they moderate, in this case all. They have the basic moderator functions working properly. When I select User Groups>Moderating I setup the banner and permissions (all on most) and save. Then I go into their User Essentials and change the user group from Registered to Moderating they can't see anything. What am I missing?

6. From Node Tree how do I move, reorder, a forum. I need to create a new forum under a category. No problem creating the forum but it shows at the top and I need to move it down six spots.

7. My main purpose for making the switch from SMF to XF was the awesome responsive design and how great it scales/works on a phone. My photos and videos, there are lots of photos and video on a car forum, were too large so I set their size to be smaller. Now when on a phone or tablet the images run off of the page. How do I keep my style responsive and keep the photos manageable? I have a custom design loaded.
1) Your Moderating group probably doesn't have any permission. Normally everyone remains a primary member of Registered which has all of the base permissions.

6) Edit each forum at that level and change the display orders appropriately.

7) If you can post a URL of a page with the problematic images then I might be able to come up with some CSS for you.
Hi, I'm still looking for a fix on my photos being cut off while on a phone. #7


6. I still can't find where you change the display order of the forums.

8. Is there a way to change the default when watching a thread to receive email notifications?

There's an option in user registration to set this default for new users. After that each user can change this setting in their user control panel in the preferences section.
I see that option in under preferences but it's for Automatically subscribing when you post in a thread. My image above is when you manually select to watch a thread. Can I change that default? If so where?
It's not a literal display order value, it's relative to the values set for the other nodes.

They will be sorted/listed in order of lowest value first.
I see that option in under preferences but it's for Automatically subscribing when you post in a thread. My image above is when you manually select to watch a thread. Can I change that default? If so where?

Sorry, I misunderstood. To my knowledge, there is no control panel option to change this. You can however make this template edit to change the default:

AdminCP > Appearance > Templates > [Choose the style you want to apply this to] > Edit the 'thread_watch' template

Find this code:
<dl class="ctrlUnit">
            <dt><label>{xen:phrase watch_this_thread_sentence}...</label></dt>
                        <label for="ctrl_email_subscribe_1">
                            <input type="radio" name="email_subscribe" value="1" id="ctrl_email_subscribe_1"  />
                            {xen:phrase and_receive_email_notifications}
                        <label for="ctrl_email_subscribe_0">
                            <input type="radio" name="email_subscribe" value="0" id="ctrl_email_subscribe_0" checked="checked" autofocus="true" />
                            {xen:phrase without_receiving_email_notifications}

Replace/Change With this:
<dl class="ctrlUnit">
            <dt><label>{xen:phrase watch_this_thread_sentence}...</label></dt>
                        <label for="ctrl_email_subscribe_1">
                            <input type="radio" name="email_subscribe" value="1" id="ctrl_email_subscribe_1" checked="checked" autofocus="true" />
                            {xen:phrase and_receive_email_notifications}
                        <label for="ctrl_email_subscribe_0">
                            <input type="radio" name="email_subscribe" value="0" id="ctrl_email_subscribe_0" />
                            {xen:phrase without_receiving_email_notifications}

@Brogan can correct me on the CP option, but I don't think it exists since it's coded in the template.

EDIT: Just keep in mind about the email volume, some sites find it overwhelming when there's heavy activity. If you were doing this before, then it's probably not an issue.
1. I'm still confused on the moderator permissions. I've been reading the manual and it appears I'm following the procedures. The moderators had permissions setup from the import and they showed as Content Moderators. When I setup the permissions and add them to that group they can't see anything.

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