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Svg Template by Xon 1.6.1

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Xon submitted a new resource:

SVG Template by Xon - SVG as Templates

Depending on configuration, this add-on requires webserver URL rewrite support!

Allows SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) images to be stored as templates. This creates a new svg.php file in the XF root directory.

To generate a link to an SVG template;
{{ getSvgUrl('tempate.svg') }}

Under Board information, if "Use Full Friendly URLs" (useFriendlyUrls) is set the URL generated is:

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Xon updated SVG Template by Xon with a new update entry:

2.1.0 - Feature update

  • Extend XF2 router to provide /data/svg support for svg templates.
    • Still recommend webserver rewrite rules if possible
    • If using apache you must adjust the default htaccess rewrite rules provided by XenForo;
      • Add the following;
        RewriteRule ^data/svg/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^\.]+).svg$ svg.php?svg=$4&s=$1&l=$2&d=$3 [B,NC,L,QSA]
        RewriteRule ^(data/|js/|styles/|install/|favicon\.ico|crossdomain\.xml|robots\.txt) - [NC,L]

Read the rest of this update entry...
You need to ensure the entire contents of the zip are uploaded, and you need to ensure the svg.php file is being executed. Webserver configuration support is outside the scope of this add-on
I've tried to get special node icons from svg templates.

{{ getSvgUrl('pl_nodeicons_{$node.node_id|raw}.svg') }}

Sadly this doesn't work since the node id isn't translated into the real id. Is there any work around?
That did work out, thank you!

Sadly the image isn't showing up. There is no /data/svg folder, so the image (
/data/svg/16/2/1566837122/pl_nodeicons_65.svg) doesn't exist.

I've uploaded all the files and added the rewrite rules to NGINX.
That did work out, thank you!

Sadly the image isn't showing up. There is no /data/svg folder, so the image (
/data/svg/16/2/1566837122/pl_nodeicons_65.svg) doesn't exist.

I've uploaded all the files and added the rewrite rules to NGINX.
You need to add this sort of rewrite rule;
location ^~ /data/svg/ {
  access_log off;
  rewrite ^/data/svg/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^\.]+).svg$ /svg.php?svg=$4&s=$1&l=$2&d=$3$args last;
  return 403;

Depend on nginx config, this likely needs to be at the top of the server { } block before any other locations.

could you do me a favor and explain briefly, what your add-on can be used for. Never came across a SVG-template and am wondering, what I can do with this. Don´t wanna die that stupid ;)
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