Lack of interest [Suggestion] Optional: Show a list of latest updated threads on the forum homepage

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Well-known member
Apparently, none of the popular discussion forum software have this functionality.

bbPress has this and i love it. in fact, i use a third party mod to show the latest ongoing discussions on the homepage of my forum powered by vBulletin.


the basic idea is... new people landing on your forum can see the ongoing discussions without venturing into individual forums.

and a returning user can quickly see the latest active threads on the forum's homepage itself without checking out the latest posts feature.
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haha. not a big fan of widgets especially in this case as it requires proper spacing and details... but i guess i would have to live with the options i am given!
I understand totally. This feature is not considered to be an important one and pretty much no popular forum software has it by default. I guess I am just too used to having it on bbPress on the official WordPress support forum. :)
I understand totally. This feature is not considered to be an important one and pretty much no popular forum software has it by default. I guess I am just too used to having it on bbPress on the official WordPress support forum. :)
I find it useful myself, but I usually see it on portals/CMS rather then on the forumhome, because it usually seems to be clutter.

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