[Suggestion] Better functionality when clicking your Mini-Me

Luke F

Well-known member
As it stands, clicking a Mini-Me opens your own member card, which is completely pointless.

I recently found myself looking at a thread and wanting to see my post in it, and one of the things I tried was clicking the Mini-Me. It would be great if doing that actually took you to your first post in a thread :)

And to keep a consistent design, clicking your fullsize avatar on a thread you have made should probably take you to the OP.

Edit: And clicking your Mini-Me on a thread you have created should take you to your second post (if applicable), I guess.
Upvote 11
I assumed I had a better idea, but only recognized later on that the OP is actually saying the same.

Sorry, it´s half past 2 in the morning over here...... should rather go to bed than writing strange things here :)
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