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SubCategories in Columns


Well-known member
  1. Open template: node_forum_level_2
    <xen:if is="{$renderedChildren} AND {$level} == 2">
         <div class="Popup subForumsPopup">
             <a href="{xen:link forums, $forum}" rel="Menu" class="cloaked" data-closemenu="true"><span class="dt">{xen:phrase sub_forums}:</span> {xen:number $forum.childCount}</a>
             <div class="Menu JsOnly subForumsMenu">
                 <div class="primaryContent menuHeader">
                     <div class="muted">{xen:phrase sub_forums}</div>
                 <ol class="secondaryContent blockLinksList">
                 <xen:foreach loop="$renderedChildren" value="$child">
                     {xen:raw $child}
  2. Replace with:
    <xen:if is="{$renderedChildren} AND {$level} == 2">
         <div class="subForumsPopup">
             <div class="subForumsMenu">
                 <ol class="secondaryContent blockLinksList">
                 <xen:foreach loop="$renderedChildren" value="$child">
                     {xen:raw $child}
  3. Open template node_category_level_2
    Find there:

    <xen:if is="{$renderedChildren} AND {$level} == 2">
         <div class="Popup subForumsPopup">
             <a href="{xen:link categories, $category}" rel="Menu" class="concealed" data-closemenu="true"><span class="dt">{xen:phrase sub_forums}:</span> {xen:number $category.childCount}</a>
             <div class="Menu JsOnly subForumsMenu">
                 <div class="primaryContent menuHeader">
                     <div class="muted">{xen:phrase sub_forums}</div>
                 <ol class="secondaryContent blockLinksList">
                     <xen:foreach loop="$renderedChildren" value="$child">
                         {xen:raw $child}
  4. Replace with:

    <xen:if is="{$renderedChildren} AND {$level} == 2">
         <div class="subForumsPopup">
             <div class="subForumsMenu">
                 <ol class="secondaryContent blockLinksList">
                 <xen:foreach loop="$renderedChildren" value="$child">
                     {xen:raw $child}
  5. Open template node_forum_level_n
    Replace all content with:
    <li class="node forum level-n node_{$forum.node_id}">
         <span class="dot"><span></span></span>
         <div {xen:if $forum.hasNew, 'class="unread"'}>
             <h4 class="nodeTitle"><a href="{xen:link forums, $forum}" class="menuRow">{$forum.title}</a></h4>
         <xen:if is="{$renderedChildren}">
                 <xen:foreach loop="$renderedChildren" value="$child">
                     {xen:raw $child}
  6. Open node_category_level_n
    Replace all content with:
    <li class="node category level-n node_{$category.node_id}">
         <span class="dot"><span></span></span>
         <div {xen:if $category.hasNew, 'class="unread"'}>
             <h4 class="nodeTitle"><a href="{xen:link categories, $category}" class="menuRow">{$category.title}</a></h4>
         <xen:if is="{$renderedChildren}">
                 <xen:foreach loop="$renderedChildren" value="$child">
                     {xen:raw $child}
  7. Open template EXTRA.css.
    Add there:

    .subForumsPopup .blockLinksList,
    .subForumsPopup ol,
    .subForumsMenu ol li ol li
        width: 100%;
    .subForumsPopup .blockLinksList
        float: left;
    .subForumsPopup .dot
        position: relative;
        float: left; /* firefox fix */
    .subForumsPopup .dot span
        height: 0px;
        left: 6px;
        top: 10px !important;
        position: absolute;
        width: 0px;
        border: 2px solid @primaryLight;
        border-radius: 6px;
    .subForumsMenu ol li
        width: 25%;
        float: left;
    .subForumsMenu .node .nodeTitle a
        padding-left: 16px;
    .subForumsMenu .node .node.level-n
        display: none;

Aw c'mon CAP. This is too much of a major modification to not be able to see it before we use it.
Screenie puleeaase?
I don't really know how to determine if the node is read/unread. But I know how to insert a small dot.
I've tried it with flexile, metalic and the feault theme but can't get it properly working.

Can't seem to get the sub-forums to display in 2 columns, suspect it may be a template I've edited but I've reverted all the ones I thought it might be. Any help would be appreciated.


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