XF 1.3 Sub-Forums and Moderator Tools Dropdown Menus


Well-known member
So, following this, I want to make the Sub-Forums and Moderator Tools dropdown menus look the same as the Thread Tools dropdown menu when hovered, but I can't quite figure out what I need.

I tried inspecting and manipulating the CSS to no avail.
This will probably help to get you started:
.member_view .Popup .PopupControl.PopupOpen, .Popup.PopupContainerControl.PopupOpen
padding: 5px;

I haven't checked though - that was just inspecting the CSS in the browser tool.
This will probably help to get you started:
.member_view .Popup .PopupControl.PopupOpen, .Popup.PopupContainerControl.PopupOpen
padding: 5px;

I haven't checked though - that was just inspecting the CSS in the browser tool.

Thanks, Paul. I'll give that a try when I'm on my lunch break from my volunteering job.
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