Sub forum Level 2 columns

Sub forum Level 2 columns


Well-known member
Shelley submitted a new resource:

Sub forum Level 2 columns - Sub forum Level 2 columns

View attachment 50933

This will display subforums level 2 in forum_view into a column styled layout. It seems to fair well in responsive and some elements have been hidden for a simpler look to focus on saving space.

Bare in mind, use this as a guide as your subforum IDs will differ so you'll have to adjust the IDS to reflect your own subforum IDs

Paste the following in your EXTRA.CSS template and style to your preference.



Read more about this resource...
Can I haz a cheezburger

and this code plsee

I offer no assistance if you run into trouble with it DRE since i hadn't finished with it plus you'll need to adjust the IDs, % etc to your preference.

Removed and will post as a separate resource when I'm 100% happy with it.
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Hi Shelley,
Ive ran into an issue with the above code. I know you said i wouldn't offer much assistance, but when i enter the code above, i get no background color, all i get is a border color and text color. I tried this with a dark skin and the default xenforo skin and both have the same problem, please help.

Hi Shelley,
Ive ran into an issue with the above code. I know you said i wouldn't offer much assistance, but when i enter the code above, i get no background color, all i get is a border color and text color. I tried this with a dark skin and the default xenforo skin and both have the same problem, please help.


Sorry Mufasa I'm not offering assistance with this. I was in two minds whether to post the css because I knew people would run into problems with it.

I'll remove it for now until I've revisited the code and post it as a separate resource since I wasn't entirely happy with it but DRE asked and I posted it which was a mistake on my part.
It may need some alteration on custom styles (almost certainly will) but it's a kind of adapt it to your needs and use as is. :D
Dunno, I can't tell much or help from a screenshot plus this is not the sub forums enhancement in forum_view but on forum_list. Sorry.
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