Duplicate Sub Category Has Permanent Unread Message Icon

⭐ Alex ⭐

Well-known member
Affected version
I've made a child category of a category, and this category has a node icon which is always set to the unread post state, although all the forums in this category have been read.

Clicking the "Mark Read" finishes successfully but the node icon continues to be in its unread state. This happens any time I create a sub-category with forums.

Reproductions Steps:
Create a category.
Create a child category.
Create a child forum.

What was expected:
Node icon for 'child category' to reflect the state of node icon of the 'child forum'.

What happened:
Node icon is always in the unread message state.
Current Work-around:
Edit template - node_list_category.
Scroll down to the <xf:macro name="depth2" section.
Look one line down you'll see <div class="node node--id{$node.node_id} node--depth{$depth} node--category
Change node--category to node--forum and the node icon will behave like it does for forums and stay synced properly.
Ah this was reported again today and I didn't make the connection, so this is fixed for the next release. Thanks!

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