XF 1.2 Styling & Tabs On xenForo Custom Pages


Well-known member
I'm trying to create a xenForo page with three tabs, each containing text+images. I'm trying to follow guide posted by @ragtek here and inserted following code in 'Template HTML' part of creating a xenForo custom page:

<ul id="ragtektabs" class="Tabs tabs" data-panes="#ragtek > li">
                <a href="foo"><b>Overview</b></a>
                <a href="foo2">Tab2</a>
                <a href="foo3">Tab3</a>
<ul id="ragtek">

I'm trying to add my text & images by replacing 'element1' inside <li> ..</li> tags. The problem is -

All my HTML formatting is getting lost! None of my <h1>, <h2> tags or even the BB codes aren't working. I'd also like to make the tabs bigger.

Any help/pointers to fix this issue would be highly appreciated.
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