XF 1.2 Styling on Resources


Well-known member
Okay, I have been playing with styles and templates and have had a lot of fun....(which is how many interesting stories start).

Unfortunately, I broke something...and can't figure out how to fix it.

Here is the page: http://www.pebforum.com/site/resources/

The resources title is not visible (presumably because the color is white). When I used Chrome inspect element, it tells me that the element has something to do with:
a[href]:hover {
  1. text-decoration: underline;

a:hover {
  1. _text-decoration: underline;

a:link, a:visited {
  1. color: #ffffff;
  2. text-decoration: none;

a:link, a:visited {
  1. color: #ffffff;
  2. text-decoration: none;

user agent stylesheet
a:-webkit-any-link {
  1. color: -webkit-link;
  2. text-decoration: underline;
  3. cursor: auto;
Inherited from h3.title

.resourceListItem .main .title{

So, maybe this is a problem because I have already visited this page/link in the past?

Any ideas which template I need to fix to get the text to show as visible? Which template or style property?

Thanks in advance.
  1. font-size: 11pt;
  2. font-weight: bold;

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
  1. font-size: 100%;
  2. font-weight: normal;
So, maybe it is not visible because I have already clicked on the link before?
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And....if I can impose on you again...my thread list seems to be jacked up, too!


The new threads seem to be "invisible" because the text is white. Any ideas? I don't want to lose color change on already clicked threads. Not sure what I did to make this happen....playing with the styles is fun, but dangerous (I am now going to create a child style to help me to revert if I break things going forward....yeah, I am kind of a risk taker...I am also running 1.2beta4 LIVE!!!! Puppies and Kittens, beware!!!).
And....if I can impose on you again...my thread list seems to be jacked up, too!


The new threads seem to be "invisible" because the text is white. Any ideas? I don't want to lose color change on already clicked threads. Not sure what I did to make this happen....playing with the styles is fun, but dangerous (I am now going to create a child style to help me to revert if I break things going forward....yeah, I am kind of a risk taker...I am also running 1.2beta4 LIVE!!!! Puppies and Kittens, beware!!!).
.discussionListItem .listBlock .titleText .title a {
    color: #000000;

It's all rainbow and unicorns.

.discussionListItems .title a, .discussionListItems .title a:active {
color: #000000 !important;

It looks like you've set all your a links to white.
Personally, I rarely use SP... I probably should, but I do everything in EXTRA.css that way my changes don't go across the entire site but stay on the specific areas I want them to work in.
Personally, I rarely use SP... I probably should, but I do everything in EXTRA.css that way my changes don't go across the entire site but stay on the specific areas I want them to work in.

Why do you think you "should" use SP? Are there any advantages over one method or the other (I do get what EXTRA.css does....I guess I am wondering if there are any relative advantages to using SP)?
Why do you think you "should" use SP? Are there any advantages over one method or the other (I do get what EXTRA.css does....I guess I am wondering if there are any relative advantages to using SP)?
For simple changes, it's probably quicker to go into SP, which will reduce the amount of lines I have in EXTRA.css.. but being the control freak I am, I use EXTRA.css because that way I can make links on every page (if I want) behave completely differently - whereas if I use the SP for links it'll make the change across the entire site.

Occasionally, you do have to go into SP, even if you use EXTRA.css for everything to override a setting which won't work in EXTRA.css. @Shelley and I spent hours a few days ago trying to remove a shadow and ended up having to go into SP to remove it.
No, there should only be EXTRA.css

Maybe having had both explains some of my styling problems....I suspected as much, that both were not supposed to be in my templates. Odd, though, I saw both templates there, but only when I opened extra.css, it told me I needed a unique name for the template (but, it already existed). Anyways, thanks for the help and the insight. I have found some really neat things in SP, so, I like that feature; still, good to confirm that EXTRA.css will take care of things I screw up along the way!
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