Styling in Beta 6 question


Well-known member
I think I read somewhere that, for the most part the style and hard coded things would be handled in the next Beta release, but I can't seem to find that post.

I am currently running a stock style during these Betas to keep the upgrades easy to do. Can anyone tell me if they remember something being mentioned about the styling in Beta 6 and if they are getting close to being done with major changes for the most part?

I thought the major changes to the styling were already implemented in beta 4 & 5, but I really have no inside knowledge.

There will probably be more template hooks added though.
Well, to be safe I will wait for another Beta or two and then start to work on my style. I was using the Flexible style which was nice, but it seems to break a great deal with each beta release, so I reverted back to the default style for ease of use and upgrading..

Thanks Dean!

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