XF 2.2 Style/Templates issue


Well-known member
I was updating PAGE_CONTAINER, just some URLs.
After saving, everything seemed to break.

It didn't look like the master template was modified, I had this in the config:

$debugs = [
if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $debugs))
    $debugMode = false;

if ($debugMode)
//     $config['debug'] = true;
//     $config['development']['enabled'] = true;
//     $config['development']['throwJobErrors'] = true;
//     $config['development']['fullJs'] = true;

Where '' would be my IP address, but it was not current, as dynamic IPs change. So it shouldn't have been in debug mode.

When I check the ' xf_template' table, it contains multiple styles with ID '0', with the PAGE CONTAINER containing no custom modifications.

I've tried taking the original page_container content, and replacing the content in the default style ID. It broke the Admin CP templates too. A workaround is if I cache rebuild 2-3 times and clear all cache, the Admin CP templates restore. I've tried creating new Styles with no parent, but no matter which style is selected, everything is in a broken state.

Is there anything else that can be tried? It's on the latest 2.2.17, we won't be able to move to 2.3 due to customized functions.
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