As designed Style property value grouping phrases

Lukas W.

Well-known member
Affected version
2.1.0 Beta 4
It appears to be impossible to use the new style property value grouping for theme-specific style properties without an attached add-on, as you're otherwise unable to ship the phrase for the group name.
That's correct, and it's exactly the same as phrases for style property titles and descriptions which you also cannot include phrases for in a style.

In the latter case, we just display the title/description value from the style property table.

We do a similar thing with the new approach towards style property value grouping, though it's a little more primitive as it's really just a "best effort" approach rather than being a fairly complicated system - essentially style property value groups are just IDs. If a phrase does not exist for it then we will display an "un-camel-cased" version of the grouping.

e.g. borderRadius becomes Border radius if a phrase doesn't exist for it.

Obviously this isn't perfect for certain styles of groupings but I'm sure you'll be able to come up with something that is "good enough" in most cases.
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