XF 2.0 Style issue


I just migrated our site from 1.5.3 to 2.2. Unfortunately, a previous administrator made some modifications to the default style and it's not playing well with 2.2.
The face of the forum with the categories are scrunched to the left of the screen. Prior to turning on frames, the description of each forum went from horizontal reading, to almost vertical reading with a character width of 4 or 5.
s Fo
Turning on frames solved this issue, but the categories now only consume about a third of the screen and is no scaling and the widgets place themselves below the catagories and will not adjust to the right of the forum list.

If I could fix this by simply overwriting some file that would put the forum back to a factory default style, that would be acceptable. If this is possible, which file would I use and is the file in the upgrade zip, or the full zip?

Oh, try disabling your notice. Your notice HTML is problematic:
        <h1 style="color:#FF0000">Site Upgrade</h1>
        <p>It's been a very... long day.  We'll deal with the looks another day.  Enjoy the board! StoveBolts</p>

You should remove the <html> and <body> tags at the very least.
Oh, try disabling your notice. Your notice HTML is problematic:
        <h1 style="color:#FF0000">Site Upgrade</h1>
        <p>It's been a very... long day.  We'll deal with the looks another day.  Enjoy the board! StoveBolts</p>

You should remove the <html> and <body> tags at the very least.
The issue was there before I disabled the notice, but yeah, there isn't a need for it any more.
I just disabled it, and the issue is still persistent.
You have an unclosed <div> somewhere.
That sounds reasonable.
Actually, it almost seems like it's defaulting to the same view I get on my phone. So maybe the that would narrow it down. Again, this is way out of my wheel house. I don't have an idea where to start. If its in a php file, I might be able to figure it out, but if I could simply overwrite the existing file with one from the install package, I'm thinking it would be easier for me lol!

Any ideas where and what to look at?
It's nothing hardcoded or in PHP, somewhere you've added an <div> tag and forgot to close it. It's in something global to all styles. Node descriptions are suspect since it only occurs on the forum list.
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