Style for Blind Users


Well-known member
Is there an extremely minimalist style for XenForo that is designed not to be seen but rather to be read aloud by screen readers such as JAWS? Something that discards avatars and other visual fluff?
If you've ever used a program to read a screen, you'll probably notice it reads a lot of repetitive extra stuff that's not the content you want it to read. I'm looking for a style that cuts down on that stuff.
If you've ever used a program to read a screen, you'll probably notice it reads a lot of repetitive extra stuff that's not the content you want it to read. I'm looking for a style that cuts down on that stuff.
I have never heard of software like that. Don't browsers like IE have an option for lo-fi browsing? I think Firefox does too.
I'll try to find it, but I made a more accessible version of XenForo 1.5 for a community that was predominantly sight impaired/blind.

If I ever have free time again I can see about making one for XF2.1/2.2 as it should be a bit easier to do some of what I did previously.

Let me know on it
What's wrong with that question? So many things are on the internet now. If we can make software in a way that it can be more easily accessible then why not?
Most people don't realize how difficult it is to use a web page for a blind or partially blind person. A lot of what is done for screen readers is not apparent or obvious to a normal browser, so they're never even going to realize if a page is accessible or not.
Right. I just need something that is really basic like having just the page content followed by simple navigation. There's a lot of kind of extra stuff in the way on the normal templates. For example if you look at this thread in Firefox's reader view the words "Add a bookmark" appear in between every post in the thread.
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