Strange problem with album privacy


Well-known member

A member has 2 albums, both were public. However the member recently changed the permission "Can View Media" of one of those albums to "People You Follow". Since then, the member is unable to see his own album!

The "Can Add Media" permission is set to "Owner only", I don't allow people to change that permission so it's always "Owner only" by default.

I have tried to reproduce this problem here at with no luck.

What could be going wrong? It's a rare problem.
I'm using XFMG 1.0.0 with XF 1.4.2, imported from vBulletin 3.8
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I have a similar Problem.

A User change the privacy of 1 Album to shared.
Choose only 29 Members for this.

But now he can't see his own album anymore.
If he upload new pictures he can choose this album and after upload he is in the album and can see all the pictures inside.

Thats the only way to access his album. Is not the easiest way to do it.
If he can access the album using the method you said, I believe if he changes the share users (e.g. adds or removes a user) it will reimplement his own access to the album.

If that doesn't work, certainly switching it to a Private album, then going back to switch it to a Shared album and adding the users again will restore his own access.

Or, wait until the next release and it will be fixed automatically.
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