XF 1.3 Strange happening after upgrade

Hi all,

Have upgraded from 1.2.2 to 1.3.1, and was told the upgrade had gone OK. Trouble is, when I try to login via my admin, nothing happens apart from the fact I get an 'M' appearing under the username box, and it stays on the login page, so I can't switch my forum back on.

When I try to login to the front end, I just get a server error has occurred message (on a cloud server running PHP 5.4)

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Have tried everything and am at a bit of a loss to be honest. This error only occurred after I upgraded, the database seems to have been upgraded OK (got a different number of tables), and had the successful upgrade message. Have tried rebuilding the master data with no luck.
When I navigate to your site I just see a regular "You must be logged-in to do that." error message.

Other than that, it all appears fine.
The problem comes when you try to login, that's when the error appears (see my OP). When I try to login to admin, I just get the M appearing after a couple of seconds under the username box.
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