Strange error with Zend file? I think?


Active member
I just changed hosts. I have gotten this error ever since :(
My error:
Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'Zend/Controller/Request/Abstract.php' (include_path='.:/data/www/') in /data/www/ on line 23

Hmmm ... actually that should be /data/www/

You haven't changed any paths in the ACP settings have you?
I just changed hosts. I have gotten this error ever since :(
My error:
Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'Zend/Controller/Request/Abstract.php' (include_path='.:/data/www/') in /data/www/ on line 23


Same error as this thread.
Fixed. It was apparently a cache problem. Rebuilding the master data using the upgrade script fixed it. I am guessing the cache rebuild failed for some reason during the addon installation.
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