XF 2.1 Strange behavior while posting links copied from Chrome omnibox in editor


Well-known member
This is kind of hard to explain and even harder to replicate. Since I upgraded to 2.1, I have been noticing strange behaviour with pasting links copied from Chrome’s omnibox. A lot of times links are pasted in rich format which means that the URI link text is linked to URI itself. This is of course not a big deal but this format of link is not processed by the Unfurl function of XenForo on saving the thread/post.

Link this:

The other confusing thing is that this does not happen in all cases. Sometimes when I paste links, they are pasted in raw format like the usual old behaviour. URI is pasted as text which is processed by Unfurl feature on saving the post. Links copied through other routes like from context menu on web pages usually paste in raw text format.
I posted this on Chrome support group and I was directed to this bug report: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=929079.

I am not sure if this is even connected to XenForo. I am just posting this here if developers can provide some info on what exactly is going on here. Is this because of the changed behaviour in recent builds of Chrome? Or is this because of the changed behaviour in XenForo post editor. Thanks!
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