Lack of interest Store template as files by default, remove option

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Well-known member
I suggest to store templates in the file system by default and remove the option. As attachments are stored in the file system. That makes everything easier.
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I suggest to store templates in the file system by default and remove the option.


Not everyone has Opcode caching enabled on their server (which is what you need to get the benefit from storing compiled templates in the file system).

However, everyone will have a database because they need it to install XF in the first place. (y)
If there are no negative side effects to the file storage system, it is easier if there would be no options. xenforo also did this with attachments: There could also be an option "save attachments in file system". But I much prefer that xenforo does that without my interaction.

The less options, the easier it is for developers. I want xenforo to focus on developing great new stuff.
In your opinion. But it's not the case that most benefit from it, so in my opinion I don't think it's needed to make this a default.

The less options, the better for developers, .. doesn't apply really.
If there are no negative side effects to the file storage system, it is easier if there would be no options. xenforo also did this with attachments: There could also be an option "save attachments in file system". But I much prefer that xenforo does that without my interaction.

The less options, the easier it is for developers. I want xenforo to focus on developing great new stuff.

There is no positive if you don't have an Opcode cache on your server - hence it is off by default. (y)

Shaun :D
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