Stock Trader [Deleted]

We are using this addon since the first public beta (a few month now) at our large community. People love it, even if we aren't a financial forum. ;) It has been a long time now, since we saw the last bug.

The only issue left is that deleted users don't get their portfolio deleted automatically. But I am sure it will be included soon.

I can only recommend everyone to buy it!
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Can you please explain the cash system a little better please?

I read this comes with its own cash system, however; what does that really mean? Does it have the ability to assign cash per post, per forum action, like BD Banking does? Or will it only allow you to assign a single 'startup' capital, then if the person goes broke, then their broke... without the ability to post more in order to obtain more cash!!!

I've read on the prior page about multiple cash system integration. So does that mean the above can be done easily with two mods, being this one + BD Banking or such. So banking is doing its thing assigning cash to the user per forum action, which is then usable in the stock trader?
Can you please explain the cash system a little better please?

I read this comes with its own cash system, however; what does that really mean? Does it have the ability to assign cash per post, per forum action, like BD Banking does? Or will it only allow you to assign a single 'startup' capital, then if the person goes broke, then their broke... without the ability to post more in order to obtain more cash!!!

I've read on the prior page about multiple cash system integration. So does that mean the above can be done easily with two mods, being this one + BD Banking or such. So banking is doing its thing assigning cash to the user per forum action, which is then usable in the stock trader?

If you use it as a standalone, you will only get whatever cash you decide you members to start with.

If you use [bd] Banking with it, they work together, and everything you earn using that add-on gets deposited into your "stocktrader" cash account.

Yes, it is done very easily, it was the very first thing I tried over a year ago during the first BETA of Sportsbook. I have no problems helping you get it set up.
I don't care if this keeps up or not, but I just wanted to share some stuff with you.

First, my users love it. Absolutely love it. Second, traffic is up and I attribute it to this alone. I don't have exact percentages yet but I will soon. Third, I've had no less than 2 longtime users who had stopped posting and started lurking come back and start participating again! If nothing else happens and the trading fever dies down, it'll still have been worth the money.

Is it a perfect addon? Nope. None of them are. Is it worth ponying up the $35? I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I can't praise these guys enough for this. It's exactly what I was looking for.

edit: Here are some quotes from my users. These are NOT me, but actual users.

Adam said:
Love. Love. Love this.

stienman said:
Now the real test for me will be how it works on the iPad. If I can fiddle with my portfolio anytime, anywhere, I can see addiction not too far behind.

BErt said:
I bought everything last night from the ipad without any problems. Now that the lock is off i may have to charge the battery a little more often.

Hylian said:
I have been playing this for less than a day so far and I am already positive that I should not buy any stocks in real life.
Good to see this addon. I used to have a similar Stock Trading addon a few years ago in VB. It was put to good use for a long time since our forum is for Wall Street professionals and students.
I now remember why we eventually getting rid of it. First of all, the addon author abandon it once the stock price feed from yahoo financials stop working. Secondly, it's being gamed easily because the price was not real time but 15 minutes delays.

I don't know which feed this addon is hooked up to to check the price but I'm not sure if Google or Yahoo has improved the 15 minutes delay yet.

With this delays, many of our members get to work early and use their Bloomberg terminals to see which stocks have moved a lot over night in after market trading. They then make transactions prior to market open.
The results are that many people make 100%+ gain in short time.

I don't know what features/options this will provide me to prevent that but this looks much more advanced and features complete. I'll check this out soon.
I've put a few admin options in place to help curb certain types of well know "gaming cheats" and have more in the works. For example... an option to close the exchange which prevents the purchasing and selling of stocks. You can set up a CRONs to open and close at various times (multiple times a day if you want). You can set up a CRON to open the exchange 30 minutes after the US exchanges open for example. You can also close the exchange when the markets are open and only allow purchasing when they are closed. There are a variety of ways you can use the open/close to your advantage to curb certain types of gaming. There is also an option to set the number of days that a stock has to mature before it can be sold. This allows Admins to prevent quick buy/sell transactions by making stock mature at least a full day minimum. You can set this to as many days as you need/want to (and can change it at any point and time). We do competitions for long periods of time (like 90 days) so I use this to prevent people from selling off during the comp. There are other things I'll be introducing that can be used as "cheat" prevention as well like max purchase per transaction which will play in conjunction with one of the future options which is max transaction per time period (hour/day/week/month). There is a lot more coming. This is just its baby stages.

btw (since you are interested), not all stocks are 15 minute delayed on the public API. S&P, Dow and Bats for example are real time, Some of the NASDAQ is 5 minute delayed, other 10 minutes, other 15, other 20/30... (on the public feed), and real time on the private feed. On the World side.. India is real time, some of London is realtime... its actually a mix mash on the public API side. Everything on the Private API is real time or 5 minute delayed (depending on Price you pay). Its also not a matter of Yahoo or Google to improve delay times, the individual Exchanges dictate the delay times to the public sector. Both Yahoo and Google would publish everything in real time if they had permission by the exchanges to do so. It certainly would be nice if the exchange commission lifts this, but I doubt they will since they make money from it. in the mean time, all we can do is come up with ways to make it fun regardless :)

btw 2, (on the vb addon in case you still use it) the API from Yahoo Finance never stopped working, the author simply didn't know how to fix (or didn't care to fix) his addon to properly work with the API. The vB stock trader works just fine with a couple file edits to properly handle the data from the API. Had someone approach me a few weeks ago asking if I could fix it for them. Had them up and running in 10 minuted :D
All sounds great, Bob. I know you have many advanced features and they continue to be improved.
btw 2, (on the vb addon in case you still use it) the API from Yahoo Finance never stopped working, the author simply didn't know how to fix (or didn't care to fix) his addon to properly work with the API. The vB stock trader works just fine with a couple file edits to properly handle the data from the API. Had someone approach me a few weeks ago asking if I could fix it for them. Had them up and running in 10 minuted :D
Sounds like this is the one I had before. I think the author asked people to put question on his own site. After doing it for week without any feedback, I just gave up and uninstalled it.
Glad to see it's in better hands now.
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bobster65 updated Stock Trader with a new update entry:

1.0.0 Release Candidate 3

  • All reported bugs fixed
  • 7 new Countries added
  • 4 new system Currencies added
  • Forum Home sidebar block for Top Portfolios
  • Pagination added to Member Owned Popular Stocks Tab.
  • Term Highlighting on AutoComplete Symbol Lookup
New Countries: Exchanges in 7 new countries have been added to the system.
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • France
  • Austria
  • Netherlands
New System Currencies: 4 new system currencies have...

Read the rest of this update entry...
This addon continues to amaze me. If only it was something my community would be interested in :(

Keep up the great work bobster.
There are a few that actively use the Demo site... feel free to register and join in
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