Staying sane? - 3rd week of stay-at-home order for us.

I saw a report regarding Las Vegas and the mayor(?) wanting to offer Las Vegas as a benchmark trial for no lockdown or restrictions.

I doubt the offer was fuelled by money though ;)
Let alone if the citizens had been asked for their opinions
This is just going to keep getting worse and worse as long as people don't listen and as long as the government doesn't keep taking it seriously.

Isn't it supposed to spike again and be worse in the fall too?
It does seem to be more prevalent in cooler temps.

Anyway, it was all over our news today that all you have to do in the States is inject disinfectant and you'll be ok according to Prof Trump :D
I am a manager for the salvation army and we have been running ragged all over the place. Setting up drive through food banks, housing homeless, bringing food to those that are quarantined. I'm am glad I have my family safe and forums to relax on.
I appreciate the work you're doing and your thankful note. The good things in life are that much better during these times.

My wife and I went back out to the farm yesterday to volunteer. I filled planting trays with starter soil for 6 hours, getting 100 of them ready for seeds on Monday. Here's what that looks like:

I mixed up the starter soil with water, then filled the trays level, tagged them and put them on the tables for seeding off to the right. My wife trimmed flowers all day and we had a distance lunch with my daughter who works at the farm. We were the only 3 people there.

Took these pictures inside the greenhouses as it was raining all day. These are pretty bright looking flowers, don't you think?




Glad we are able to find a way to stay healthy and happy during the isolation. Our state of Illinois announced another month of staying at home. We are determined to find a way to make it work!
Made it back out to the farm to plant peas of all things.


Covered them w dirt and watered them. When we finished we found the pea planters in the shed. 1/2 inch pvc plastic pipe w a cup for seed taped to the top. Would have made the job a lot easier. Next time. You can't get more grounded than this. Tough job, dun.
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Delivered plants as a volunteer at my daughter's garden/flower farm and had a wonderful afternoon driving around in the farmland of Northern IL. Drove right by some windmills - they were a lot of fun to see turning and used Google Maps in a new way to do a route of 9 different stops all in a row. At some point some dogs barked at me and I accidentally touched my phone's screen and shut the sound off, so I had to do the second half of the route thumbing through the map on the way to the next destination. (media volume fixes) The cattle didn't care. Daughter gifted us some more beautiful flowers:


Trimmed some tress with my son:


Saw this massive beauty while walking the dog with my wife:


And joined (XF) as a forum member to start sharing about my chain saw repair hobby that has been re-kindled. They have a good sub-forum on chain saws. Nice people.

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