Static frontpage


New member
I played with the demo for a couple hours but couldn't figure out if it is possible to have a static frontpage instead of the forum overview.

Since my website will be all new with little traffic, I don't want folks to disregard my page due to an empty forum. Hence I'd like to have a much more welcoming frontpage with static content and showing the last 3 user posts under the static content.

1.) Is this possible with the stock forum version?

2.) Are there modules for this purpose?

3.) How much are those modules?
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Yes, it can be achieved with a page node and widgets can be used to pull content.

Ok, While I can code in PHP / SQL, I have been out of the loop for 6 or so years.

If I would hire a coder to setup a node, install a matching widget and get everything adjusted, how many man-hours am I looking at? Are we talking 2 hours, 10, or more?
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