Add-on Stastistics


Active member
Hi guys, I have one sugestion for You.... Sorry for the extensive email...

I have a Forum that have a rich Statistics and Iwant suggest for Xenforo.

I translated the options for you.... Sorry My english

This is not add, but statistics default from Forum. But if someone make a Add.... :)


Zero Block - only links

First block:
Estatísticas globais do fórum - global Statistcs
Tópicos mais ativos - most active threads
Tópicos mais visitados - most visited threads
Os que mais criam tópicos - users that most created threads
Os membros mais ativos da semana - users most active of the week
Os membros mais ativos do mês - users most active of the month
Top dos mais postadores - top of the users with most messages
Número de tópicos dos últimos 12 meses -number of threads of the last 12 months
Quantidade de mensagens nos últimos 12 meses - number os messages of tha last 12 months
Número de inscrições dos últimos 12 meses - number of new users in the last 12 months.

Second block - global statistics

Date of birth of fórum
Date of the last user register
Date of the most users online
Messages per day
Threads per day
New members per day
Age of fórum in days
Last user registered
Number of the most users online in same time

Block 3 - threads most actives

Block 4 - threads most visiteds

Block 5 - members most created threads

Block 6 - members most active of the week

Block 7 - members most active of the month

Block 8- top of the most active users

Block 9 - numbers of the threads in the last 12 months

Block 10 - numbers of messages in the last 12 months

Block 11 - number of new members in the last 12 months

Photos: 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg

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