Star Trek Into Darkness

Lol love the lens flare vid

I agree, the lens flare effects were stupidly over the top in star trek

I watched the film in the cinema and felt somewhat dazzled by it, but it was only when I watched it again at home, did I realize just how bad it was.
That would be good. We shall see. ST11 was awful. I hope he does better this time around.

You know what really pisses me off about ST11? Starfleet Academy turned into a military institution. Specifically, cadets no longer apply to join the academy, they enlist. I don't know if anyone else noticed that. Drunk guy in a bar with no future (reboot Kirk), enlist in Starfleet. Boy genius Wesley Crusher, apply for the academy and get rejected the first time. Huge difference.

In a manner of speaking, Starfleet has always had a "military" undertone. Even as far back as Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn, David Marcus refers to Starfleet as "the military". Essentially, Starfleet has 4 distinct missions. Scientific, military, diplomatic and exploration.
Yeah he was, Jakes best friend if memory recalls.

edit: Jake (Ben sisko's son) not Jake bunce. :p

Correct. Nog was Quark's (the Ferenghi bar keeper) nephew. He was recommended to the Starfleet Academy by Sisko after showing aptitude for engineering. The start of the Marquee movement was during the DS9 seasons but was more prevalent during the Voyager seasons where incidentally Chief O'Brian was part of the Marquee along with Commander Tuvok as undercover agents.
You know what really pisses me off about ST11? Starfleet Academy turned into a military institution. Specifically, cadets no longer apply to join the academy, they enlist. I don't know if anyone else noticed that. Drunk guy in a bar with no future (reboot Kirk), enlist in Starfleet. Boy genius Wesley Crusher, apply for the academy and get rejected the first time. Huge difference.

In a manner of speaking, Starfleet has always had a "military" undertone. Even as far back as Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn, David Marcus refers to Starfleet as "the military". Essentially, Starfleet has 4 distinct missions. Scientific, military, diplomatic and exploration.

To further this line of thought, in the episode "Errand of Mercy", Kirk tells the Organian council, "I'm a soldier, not a diplomat". (Just saw this episode again today.)
The new Star Trek is quite different to the 'old' Star Trek. They are both different, and can be appreciated for those differences. Personally, I quite enjoyed the new one, and the trailer suggests I'll enjoy the second new movie too.

All in all, I can't really complain! :) Even better that we get it a week or so earlier in the UK!

A marquee is that giant sign structure over movie theaters that glows and has all those light bulbs in it. The Maquis were the Bajoran terrorist/resistance movement. Hence my phrase "not the brightest bulb in the marquee."
Wasn't Nog part of Red Squad?
Only in one episode, when he was picked up together with jake by the Red Squad in a Defiant class vessel behind the front lines. The senior crew was dead. They tried to destroy a new Dominion battle ship. The only who thought this was a bad idea was jake. But the cadets were blinded and followed their drug addicted commander. It ended in a desaster, their ship was destroyed, all but a few died.
Only in one episode, when he was picked up together with jake by the Red Squad in a Defiant class vessel behind the front lines. The senior crew was dead. They tried to destroy a new Dominion battle ship. The only who thought this was a bad idea was jake. But the cadets were blinded and followed their drug addicted commander. It ended in a desaster, their ship was destroyed, all but a few died.
If I'm not mistaken, there were only ever two episodes from any Star Trek that portrayed, or even mentioned, Red Squad. And both times Red Squad members got killed because of Red Squad member negligence. Which is probably why we never heard from them again. (Unless that's who's buzzing San Francisco in the Into Darkness trailer.)
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