Active member
I am brand new to xF, coming from vB3. I am in love with everything, only suggestion I can think of so far is the staff bar... It just seems out of place and redundant to place it on top of what is already an amazing navigation system. The first thing I looked for where modifications to remove it, I discovered @ShikiSuen mod to move it into the navbar, also @Pandemix modified version. The placement they have given the admin options and the way they do so just feel more fitting and natural to the way xF is, esthetically and functionality.
This is just a brand new user's first impression but I do feel if this small modification was made out of the box, it would give a better first reaction to any first time xF user.
This is just a brand new user's first impression but I do feel if this small modification was made out of the box, it would give a better first reaction to any first time xF user.