Spam management


Active member
I've been getting large amounts of spam from a small number of users

I have every anti spam feature built into xenforo turned on (dnsbl, stopforumspam, akismet, etc). I'm using google recaptcha nocaptcha

One characteristic I've noticed, they're 100% non english. Looks chinese to me (not that I'm an expert)

Is there a good way to force people to only use ascii characters for their first 10 posts, and if they fail, they go to moderation?

Should I use a different captcha?
I ended up solving my spam issue by making a few changes

One: I set the post limit for checking for spam to be 1000 posts in 7 days
Two: Added akismet
Three: turned on stopforumspam, dnsbl, and google nocaptcha

After those 3, I've had no spam at all.
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