XF 1.2 Spam help


Active member
Hi all, i really need some help. I am getting slammed by these guys http://whatismyipaddress.com/ip/ using many different ips.

I have email verification on. i am using the project honey pot and stop forum spam with the strongest of settings.

I also have recaptcha on

Guest posting is not on yet these guys are still slamming me. Any tips very welcome?
I'm not totally sure what you mean by saying that a particular IP is slamming you but using many different IPs. Unless you meant IPs owned by OVH?

If so, you could potentially ban a significant portion of the OVH range -- it's fairly unlikely that legit users will register there but there's always that possibility of a false positive.

There are add-ons that may help. Another alternative is to create a required custom field that requires a value in a particular format. Both of these serve to simply make your forum more unique and thus not as easy to target (given that XenForo is a high value target, but your specific site is not).

Note that if you setup a StopForumSpam API key, you'll feed back to SFS and future registrations from that IP (for example) will be more likely blocked.
Thanks, Yes sorry i meant from OVH. I have just set-up a custom profile field. This is something i have done on other platforms which often has helped.

I will look at banning their range but as you say may come with false positives
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