XF 2.1 Spam Clean option doesn't show up on some users.


So, our forum got flooded today by a single spam bot.

As usual, i wanted to quickly resolve this with a click on the "Spam" button on the posts or profile but there was none as you can see in Screenshots A, B and C.
However, the "Spam" button is available under everyone elses posts.

What kind of black magic is this?

I'm in full control over the forum (Admin permission...), so there's no way i don't have the right permission to do so.

Thanks in advance.



What a stupid, frustrating feature, what is the point of removing the possibility to spam clean someone? What am I missing here? Until you learn that you need to increase the criteria to simply use this option, it's extremely frustrating. I can't figure out any use for this other than to confuse admin/moderators
What a stupid, frustrating feature, what is the point of removing the possibility to spam clean someone? What am I missing here? Until you learn that you need to increase the criteria to simply use this option, it's extremely frustrating. I can't figure out any use for this other than to confuse admin/moderators

Maybe RTFM:

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