XF 1.5 Spaces in username seem to matter


New member
When I tried to login to my forum today using 'mturkerbot', I was shocked that XF said the user didn't exist, until I tried successfully using 'MTurker Bot'

I don't think vB behaves this way, is there a way to fix it?
Yes, much like how a user named Tommy Lee on YouTube or Twitter can login by just typing tommylee without having to think about capitalization or spacing (I'm just mortified by the thought of churn occurring because one of my users neglected to use his spacebar or shift key when logging in)
Whether you capitalize something or not, it's still the same thing; spacing, on the other hand, completely changes the "meaning," so to speak. Even on sites like YouTube and Twitter, Username and User Name would be two totally different accounts. Those sites behave no differently than XenForo or any other forum software in that regard.
Whether you capitalize something or not, it's still the same thing; spacing, on the other hand, completely changes the "meaning," so to speak. Even on sites like YouTube and Twitter, Username and User Name would be two totally different accounts. Those sites behave no differently than XenForo or any other forum software in that regard.
No those sites use underscores not spaces so if a user naturally signs up with spaces it removes them, and when they login with or without spaces it works!

It took me a moment to figure out why XenForo was telling me I didn't exist, I just absolutely do not want to give any visitor that moment to consider quitting my site
This is as intended, if this were "fixed" a lot of us forum owners and our communities would be very hacked off indeed.

I've personally never seen a site not consider a space a separate character, it is as it should be...
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