RM 1.2 Sort By Rating Not Working As Intended

The rating is weighted with a confidence value. The number of ratings will change that confidence (1 5-star rating is not necessarily better than 9 5-star and 1 4-star). The sort is based on that, but for clarity sake, the stars indicate the raw average.

0 ratings is equivalent to 3 stars.
0 ratings is equivalent to 3 stars.
This seems to be causing a confusion within my users, I guess I need to explain them why 0 ratings is showing up above 3 star.

Though isn't it weird if 0 rating shows up above rated content while sorting via rating? People expect to see rated content above, I can agree with the confidence part, as indeed 9-5 star + 1 4 star > 1-5 star, but when you sort via ratings you expect to see everything that is rated above those non-rated? At least in terms of quality, something that has received a rating is more likely to be better than something that has not received a rating. It's not always the case, but I just wanted to know if this is expected behavior or will it change.
At least in terms of quality, something that has received a rating is more likely to be better than something that has not received a rating. It's not always the case, but I just wanted to know if this is expected behavior or will it change.
Regarding what I bolded, something that hasn't received any ratings would probably sit in a statistical middle when it comes to "chance of being good". If something has had 10 1-star ratings, I would think it's likely to be demonstrably worse than a new item. It could be a bad item but it could be a good item, so putting it in the middle seems appropriate to me.

This isn't something that will change.
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