Sort albums alphabetically


Well-known member
The list of albums in the gallery is sortable by all kinds of things, but to my astonishment, albums cannot be sorted by title (alphabetically). Since, at the same time, album titles are also not indexed for search, I quite often end up searching through my album pages for a certain album. Given the album information is not permanently visible but only when hovering, this makes using the albums list a real - sorry - pita.

There has been a suggestion by @mjda marked lack of interest in 2016. I'll give this another try...
Upvote 8
Yes please +10

"Sort by username" is missing too. You can search for users, but not browse over their alphabetically ordered names. My users are heavily complaining about this since 2 full years now and have often no interest in the gallery anymore. I cannot understand that, but it is true.
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