Duplicate Some SEO improvements:


I would like to ask for the following improvements (or advice how to accomplish that!)

From my point of view these questions are very important from SEO point of view:
  1. add custom text to alt tag for the uploaded images
  2. edit description and keyword tags for every topic

Thank you for reply or advice!
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2 I am OK with writing description for really important posts (they are mine, by the way :0))
1 alt tags for images are important anyway.
--Maybe because your request duplicates one elsewhere?

I consider this forum, as a support for commercial - not open source! - software.
Is it good just close the request? Where is it - "elsewhere"?

If decision was already made, I would like to know about it.
Adding keywords and description is next to useless, as Google wont even read the keywords, and unless you spend time your self writing description for all posts, those wont be all that good either.

Yeah, they say it. But it does help. Blogs have these already and I see an increase of visits every time a niche is searched. This happened when I started writing on MW3Blog which gathered over 170,000 visits/160,000 uniques.

MW3Blog and other niche blogs I own are all using SEO all in one. Which include metatags.
Google ignores keywords, they have no impact on your search results. There is no reason for Google to lie about that, if they used it in any sort of way in their search algorithm, they would encourage webmasters to use keywords properly, rather than ignoring them.

As for the description, it might work or might not work, for a forum it wouldn't be effective, as it basically requires someone writing up a good description, which most forum user will ignore. At best, it would serve a marketing thing, as it is basically what Google pulls to describe the results, and if I am not mistaken, they wont even use it 100% of the time.
Google ignores keywords, they have no impact on your search results. There is no reason for Google to lie about that, if they used it in any sort of way in their search algorithm, they would encourage webmasters to use keywords properly, rather than ignoring them.
Exactly what I was implying.
As for the description, it might work or might not work, for a forum it wouldn't be effective, as it basically requires someone writing up a good description, which most forum user will ignore. At best, it would serve a marketing thing, as it is basically what Google pulls to describe the results, and if I am not mistaken, they wont even use it 100% of the time.
They do, it's just that some webmasters only use if for marketing purposes and google ignores it because the content of the article is entirely different from what the SEO description says. For google, they think it's "deceptive." The more relevant your SEO, the more google wants to search your content. Simple as that.
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