Some problem in password encryption/description

I don't really understand what you're trying to do now. You've set a password on the account, why are you now trying to login without a password?
Ok let me explain again:

I am using KAYAKO forum and xenforo forum.

I need same login and registration for both the forum.

When I am registering from xenforo, I have also inserted data into KAYAKO user table. It is working fine.

But when I am registering from KAYAKO then need to insert user data into xenforo user table.

I have inserted all the fields value for xenforo user table except password field.

But unable to insert password same as KAYAKO.

Here I am confuse about the decrypt of password how it is decrypt.

If I will get the method how password will decrypt then my work would finish.

That is all the process that I need to do.

Please let me know if you need some other details.

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