As designed Some content lists (such as custom fields and prefixes) in the Admin CP may not display the master language version of their titles.

Have you translated the phrase for this custom field in the language you are using in the Admin CP?

Go to Appearance > Search Phrases and choose your language.

Set "Title contains" to "user_field_title." and for "Phrase status" uncheck "Unmodified"

Is the "Strava" phrase modified (either highlighted in red, or orange)?
Strava appears as modified (highlighted red).
Even my all custom user fields I have deleted before.

So i deleted the phrases and it’s fine now.
Thank you.
After quite some consideration, we're not going to be making any changes here.

The presentation of these values will always be in your selected language, but when editing these values, they will be in the master language. There is scope for this to be confusing, as demonstrated here, but it could be said that displaying the master version when the rest of your interface is in your own language could be confusing too.

And, as a minor point, this has always been the case dating back to XF 1.0 so I think there's a general acceptance and expectation that it is correct, so we'll just leave it as it is for now.
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