XF 2.1 [SOLVED] Possible to redirect to another controller from one action method?


Active member
I've the following action method

public function actionDoSomething(ParameterBag $params)
     return $this->view('AFC:doSomething', 'mytemplate');

And the checkPermission function is
public function checkPermission()
    // determine value of $crud
        return $this->redirect(

And not-authorized action
public function actionNotAuthorized()
    return $this->view('AFC:notAuthorized', 'not_authorzied');

I understand that this will not work as I'm not using return $this->checkPermission() in actionDoSomething() but then what could be the alternative.

The idea here is that I will call checkPermission() in all the action methods and let it redirect to the not authorized page if certain conditions fail. Is this doable?

EDIT: I've one thing in mind which is return boolean from $this->checkPermission() and then use the following:
public function actionDoSomething(ParameterBag $params)
         return $this->redirect(

     return $this->view('AFC:doSomething', 'mytemplate');

But I see two issues here:
  1. Extra 3 lines each time I use this in each of the action methods that I intend to call this
  2. If in future I need to make a change to the buildLink value, I'll have to do it at every place instead of just one
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Throw a reply exception instead:

public function assertHasPermission()
    $hasPermission = mt_rand(0, 1) === 1;
    if ($hasPermission) {

    throw $this->exception(
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