XF 1.5 [SOLVED] Fatal error: Class 'Xenforo_ControllerPublic_Abstract' not found in...


Hey, I'm having this problem which is driving me nuts. I've tried researching it but haven't found an answer.

Here's what I did: Made a local Xenforo installation in XAMPP, created a couple custom addons, everything was working fine.

Then I pushed it to the server via FTP (yes, I triple checked all files are present and functional), set the new config.php and updated board URL.

However, on pages for my custom addon I get this error:

Fatal error: Class 'Xenforo_ControllerPublic_Abstract' not found in /***/***/*****/*******/library/HCLeaderboards/ControllerPublic/Index.php on line 4

Stack Trace #0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}

Request State array(3) {
["url"] => string(47) "http://hardcore-minecraft-pvp.com/leaderboards/"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {

I suspect something in my PHP config/installation is messing with Xenforo and not allowing it to proper include its files, as another addon I have installed (which I didn't make) is now displaying its page in a weird layout. I should probably note that this page is running under an Apache virtual host with its document root set to /***/***/*****/******* (no trailing slash).

I also checked setting the permissions in the site folder, chmod -R 777 * did nothing for instance.

This is the file it's referring to btw:


class HCLeaderboards_ControllerPublic_Index extends Xenforo_ControllerPublic_Abstract

And yes, line 4 is the "}" technically. This happens with all my other custom addons as well, since they all have a similar header.

Another note: Admin CP works 100% fine no problems, as do the Xenforo forums (from what I could tell)

EDIT: Fixed it myself quickly. I was quintuple checking everything and noticed the "Xenforo" in my class only has a capital X, but the ControllerAbstract class has Xenforo spelled as "XenForo". Apparently my local php installation didn't mind that, but my server installation did. Let this be a lesson for everyone developing addons, LOL.
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