Soft Responsive [Deleted]

Its a blank style where you should do your customizations. Don't import any XML file, create new style instead.
Is it possible to have the custom style as the only child of the your soft responsive. Having multiple styles are not optimal as it will increase the compiling time when you install/uninstall an addon.
If I buy a brand-free style, shouldn't I be able to overwrite the soft responsive with branding free soft-responsive?
Yes, it might be a problem if you install/uninstall add-ons all the time.

You can avoid it by merging several XML files before importing style. It might cause problems when updating because then you'll need to do merge again before uploading XML file, so you'll need to keep all XML files as backup somewhere in case if you'll need to merge them again.
Yes, it looks ok. For live forum disable checkboxes for first 3 styles, so users won't be able to select them.
I am addressing issue of having to edit CSS for most stuff, it will be in next upgrade today or tomorrow :)

Also I've decided to use CSS3 instead of images for section wrappers. There are too many issues with images causing problems with third party add-ons. As a result style will look a bit different in IE8, but still perfectly usable.
Will the upgrade address the issues with XenKingDir? Or should I be asking for support in the discussion thread for that Add-on?

Thanks. :)
Its far from being complete, I've made such a huge mess of stuff in original version that fixing CSS3 issues appeared to be way more complex than expected. However, I've made beta version available on my website.

You can download it on style download page.

What's new in version 2.0:
  • Block wrappers have been rebuilt using CSS3 instead of images. Same applies to overlay wrapper and breadcrumbs. This is a huge change, even though you won't notice anything.
  • Many bug fixes.
  • Many new properties, making it easier to customise style! There will be even more new properties before version 2.0 is released later this week.
I recommend not to use beta version on live forums. Use it only for testing.
Another beta is available.

What's new:
  • Header and navigation were completely rebuilt. No more images, all navigation items are now styled via CSS. There is a huge number of new properties to customize those two areas. You can change header and navigation order, change navigation to display only one row, change order and location of navigation tab groups, customize each item for normal and mobile devices.
  • New navigation for mobile devices. See screenshot below.
I have changed demo on my website (and forum) to this beta version.
Just checked out the changes with this on your site Arty. Muchhhhhh better. Now this is heading towards usable for modification and use. Look forward to this updated version.
Nice work, Arty! Looking forward to the update release. (y)

Will it upgrade OK for those of us who have made a lot of the modifications mentioned in this thread (e.g. the blue navbar/tabs mod, the ads wrapped in conditionals, etc.)?

Thanks. :)
Another beta is available.

What's new:
  • Header and navigation were completely rebuilt. No more images, all navigation items are now styled via CSS. There is a huge number of new properties to customize those two areas. You can change header and navigation order, change navigation to display only one row, change order and location of navigation tab groups, customize each item for normal and mobile devices.
  • New navigation for mobile devices. See screenshot below.
I have changed demo on my website (and forum) to this beta version.

View attachment 35500
Wow that looks/is soooooooooooo much better. I was having issues clicking the navbar links how it was before. Amazing, cant wait for 2.0
I was having issues clicking the navbar links how it was before.
That was because the trigger wasn't present in any hooked tabs, limiting the hover to the arrow only. What happened with the trouble, is what occurs when the hover trigger is incorrect, thus forcing the drop down on hover, causing a delay for click. The nav menu is a combination of CSS and JS.
That was because the trigger wasn't present in any hooked tabs, limiting the hover to the arrow only. What happened with the trouble, is what occurs when the hover trigger is incorrect, thus forcing the drop down on hover, causing a delay for click. The nav menu is a combination of CSS and JS.
Ahh I see. Well thats certainly not an issue anymore when I viewed the mobile style on It looks, feels and works 100 X better

If i wanted to use the BETA now instead of waiting. Do I just overwrite the default style with the beta? Or do I need to also update the branding as well? And how can we keep track of the XenPorta changes? I notice your forum says to constantly update the XenPorta xml but I cant see any changelogs? thanks
Overwrite current style with beta. No need to update branding.

xenPorta style hasn't been updated for a while because I was working on new version of main style, so there is nothing to update. Its not up to date with version 2.0, so there might be minor errors.
It works exactly the same without JS too :)
It can, but yours doesn't.

Default XF only triggers on hovering the arrow, that way you don't get interference when hovering to click on a tab. If you want the menu, you hover over the arrow to drop it.

Yes, this can be done via CSS as well, no question.

One thing that annoys me with the beta, and current, is that you're activating the secondary dropdown on hovering of the tab, which is ok on desktop, though sucks on the mobile, as the dropdown can cover the lower menu options, thus making them unselectable. You have to move down and touch elsewhere so the dropdown retracts, then choose the lower option.

Can the dropdown be hidden on the mobile version, as you have the secondary links showing already below the primary, which is excellent as is. The double take on the mobile version sucks, and creates the above issue.
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