Social Groups for XenForo [Paid] [Deleted]

Another bug: the displayed groups keep getting mysteriously reset, without the user doing anything. This is very annoying.
We've noticed that alerts are no longer being generated when group threads are posted to unless the thread was created before we upgraded to 1.2. Is anyone else seeing this ?
2 month ago.I converted my forum forum vbulletin to xenforo 1.1.3. Now, i am runing xenforo 1.1 and i install this addon.
I want convert group from vbb to xenforo with this addon data.( vbb importer)
How do you do?.

I purchased this addon one hour ago. Installation was fine, also group creation for admin + authenticated user.

But unfortunately I cannot see Group owner, group member and the group controls (and so I cannot edit the group :(). I was wondering if there is any additional setting. But I didn't find.

Can you help, @Rigel Kentaurus

Thank you, rhodes

P.S: xf = 1.2.2

Bildschirmfoto 2013-12-30 um 20.38.34.webp
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Not sure if its been reported before but users continue to receive notifications from groups they are no longer members of.
I've uninstalled this addon and then tried to install it once again. I hoped that this step might solve my problems. However, it failed.

Bildschirmfoto 2014-01-03 um 14.36.46.webp
It seems as if not all database entries have been removed during uninstall procedure.

I really would like to use this addon, but at the moment there are too many bugs.
It's been almost a month since author has responded, but one thing I was hoping to maybe see or at least get help adding would be moderator reports. I would like to allow public users to create a social group, but I want them to be approved to do so (like approved topics/use it for user group system)

I like the social group idea, but the way you have created it just so happens to be perfect for my Online Community. I was learning PHP for a while so I probably could make some changes, but.. Not confident with that all yet. haha. :D I would just like moderator approval support that's all. :) (just an idea)
Why do you use 'xfa-' in your urls? It's really ugly and a poor attempt self promotion especially when the addon is already quite pricy.

What is wrong with simply using the route 'groups'????
I've uninstalled this addon and then tried to install it once again. I hoped that this step might solve my problems. However, it failed.

View attachment 64099
It seems as if not all database entries have been removed during uninstall procedure.

I really would like to use this addon, but at the moment there are too many bugs.

Had the same problem.. ran this on the db:

ALTER TABLE xf_user_profile DROP xfa_groups_membership;
ALTER TABLE xf_user_profile DROP xfa_groups_display;
DELETE FROM xf_content_type_field where content_type = 'group_post';
DELETE FROM xf_content_type where content_type = 'group_post';
DELETE FROM xf_content_type_field where content_type = 'xfa_group_thread';
DELETE FROM xf_content_type where content_type = 'xfa_group_thread';
DELETE FROM xf_content_type_field where content_type = 'xfa_group_post';
DELETE FROM xf_content_type where content_type = 'xfa_group_post';

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xf_cz_category;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xf_cz_group_member;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xf_cz_group_owner;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xf_cz_group_post;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xf_cz_group_thread;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xf_cz_join_request;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xf_cz_invite;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_category;   

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_group_category;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_group_member;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_group_owner;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_group_post;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_group_thread;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_join_request;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_thread_read_date;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_group_watch;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS xfa_group_thread_watch;

I think their was 1 import table as well but just add that to the drop table commands, then you should be set to install again.
Why do you use 'xfa-' in your urls? It's really ugly and a poor attempt self promotion especially when the addon is already quite pricy.

What is wrong with simply using the route 'groups'????

What's wrong with changing the route yourself?

@emc2 - thank you. I will try this this afternoon.

By the way: I also tried

to set up group functionality for my community. Is there any advantage of Social Groups over "social groups by waindigo".

Regards, rhodes
Both mods are quite different but waindigo's is free and responsive
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What's wrong with changing the route yourself?

I shouldn't have to.. Look at it another way.. What would you say if xenforo prefixed your forums or threads with 'xf-'? It wouldn't be accepted and it shouldn't be for mods either.
would it be possible to add feature for group owners to send notice to all members in their group, aka private conversation or notice update/alerts ?
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