Social Groups for XenForo [Paid] [Deleted]

that does not appear to work as I tried to do that on my test board and i have it set to unlimited in the user group and also for the user and does not work. I even set it to 4 or 5 and nothing. Are the hooks in the templates or not working ?
Good job, Rigel Kentaurus ;)!!
Te necesitamos por CemZoo, el disco duro está apunto de quedarse lleno y el foro se queda caído durante largas horas...
(Sorry, tenía que postear aquí, no tenía otra manera).
Is there any response about my issue of not being able to see groups under my avatar 'after the last update'? I would really like to get this fixed or get an answer as to why I'm having a problem, Thanks.
Is there any response about my issue of not being able to see groups under my avatar 'after the last update'? I would really like to get this fixed or get an answer as to why I'm having a problem, Thanks.
There is no issue with the software that I know of. If you have the setting, and you have the groups selected in the profile options area, they should appear under the postbit. The only reason why they wouldn't is a template edit that removed the hook, or any other add-on conflicting with it.
There is no issue with the software that I know of. If you have the setting, and you have the groups selected in the profile options area, they should appear under the postbit. The only reason why they wouldn't is a template edit that removed the hook, or any other add-on conflicting with it.
No, that's just not true because everything was fine until I upgraded. After upgrading the groups under the avatar just disappeared. No template edits, just the upgrade. Can you show me a demo where the latest upgrade 'has the groups under the avatar?' On your site you don't even have that, and there is only the upgrades with the threads locked. At least help me work through this issue since I have at least identified the issue being with upgrading?

I'm not even able to 'downgrade' BACK to before when things worked.
No, that's just not true because everything was fine until I upgraded. After upgrading the groups under the avatar just disappeared. No template edits, just the upgrade. Can you show me a demo where the latest upgrade 'has the groups under the avatar?' On your site you don't even have that, and there is only the upgrades with the threads locked. At least help me work through this issue since I have at least identified the issue being with upgrading?

I'm not even able to 'downgrade' BACK to before when things worked.
I seem to have a conflict version with the template and permission names, which is probably why it was working on my installation.

1) Please substitute
with the file attached to this post

2) It is possible that the template is not named correctly, if that is the case, please edit xfa_groups_usertitle and change from
<xen:if is="{$user.canUserTitle}">
    <xen:foreach loop="{$user.groups_display}" value="$group">
    <div class="socialGroup" style="padding: 6px; margin-bottom: 5px;">
        <xen:include template="cz_groups_group_title" />


<xen:if is="{$user.canUserTitle}">
    <xen:foreach loop="{$user.groups_display}" value="$group">
    <div class="socialGroup" style="padding: 6px; margin-bottom: 5px;">
        <xen:include template="xfa_groups_group_title" />

(notice the change to xfa_groups_group_title). Please try first only with the patched Post.php file

I have a 1.6 version that I never quite released. If I can wrap that up and release it I'll include the fix. In the meantime this patch should give you back the usergroups below the avatar with the new permission setting. Please make sure that not only "Number of groups under the nick" is set to unlimited but also the permission above "Can use a group name along the usertitle" is set to yes.


I seem to have a conflict version with the template and permission names, which is probably why it was working on my installation.

1) Please substitute
with the file attached to this post

2) It is possible that the template is not named correctly, if that is the case, please edit xfa_groups_usertitle and change from
<xen:if is="{$user.canUserTitle}">
    <xen:foreach loop="{$user.groups_display}" value="$group">
    <div class="socialGroup" style="padding: 6px; margin-bottom: 5px;">
        <xen:include template="cz_groups_group_title" />


<xen:if is="{$user.canUserTitle}">
    <xen:foreach loop="{$user.groups_display}" value="$group">
    <div class="socialGroup" style="padding: 6px; margin-bottom: 5px;">
        <xen:include template="xfa_groups_group_title" />

(notice the change to xfa_groups_group_title). Please try first only with the patched Post.php file

I have a 1.6 version that I never quite released. If I can wrap that up and release it I'll include the fix. In the meantime this patch should give you back the usergroups below the avatar with the new permission setting. Please make sure that not only "Number of groups under the nick" is set to unlimited but also the permission above "Can use a group name along the usertitle" is set to yes.

:( Still waiting for 1.6, please.
Any updates as i can not install the new version at all ? Currently I am using older version fine.
I am almost wanting to just go back to an older version but I do not know how to do this 'without losing' the groups I have already created. I would like to 'at least' be able to go back to the old version until this new version is fixed? Alot of money spent and my members want to see their groups under their avatars "more" than have any of the upgrades that unfortunately do not allow viewing groups under avatars.

How can I revert back to an older version before I upgraded? It will not allow me to "downgrade". ;-(.
I would like to downgrade to an earlier 'working' version until it is figured out why groups are not showing under avatars. Can you show me how I can get back to an earlier version??? The importance of the 'visual groups showing' outweigh's the other added features.
Can I get some kind of resolution to my issue please? I should not have to wait for an upgrade from a [Paid] service if it's not working and I should be allowed to 'downgrade' until you figure out what you did wrong. Why am I having to wait soo long? Please, just allow me to downgrade "without losing any of my already established groups and posts" and you can notify me when you have a working upgrade. I don't feel I have to wait, when I have paid for this addon and the newest version isn't working correctly...
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