Social Groups for XenForo [Paid] [Deleted]

To keep from having a 'long-downward' look for people who are in a lot of groups, can you supply me with a code which will:
  1. Remove the name of each group under the avatar - (the image will be the only necessary 'clickable' link)
  2. Place them in a "side-by-side-then-by-rows" format?
I had help in having it that way before the last two upgrades but now that code doesn't work. Here is an exact example of what I'm asking for:



  • capture_medalsandtrophies_new.webp
    42.5 KB · Views: 2
Any chance of helping why the Updated threads side bar is aways empty, shouldn't it show latest threads ???? what is it for, please answer

also how about adding a latest groups sidebar on the forum home.

The social groups are hidden away so people forget about them. need a reminder on the forum home.

On the template xfa_groups_group_title

Just use the following
<a href="{xen:link xfa-groups-group/group-detail, $group}">
    {xen:helper groupicon, $group}

That will remove the name of the group :)
The update threads sidebar on my forum is always empty.
You found a small bug. This seems to happen when the groups are empty, the sidebar caches them as empty and then refuses to give up the cache.

I uploaded the fixed version at the website
The file is (notice the "b")

You can either update the add-on, or just upload to your webserver this single file, as it was the only one changed.
Any chance of helping why the Updated threads side bar is aways empty, shouldn't it show latest threads ???? what is it for, please answer

also how about adding a latest groups sidebar on the forum home.

The social groups are hidden away so people forget about them. need a reminder on the forum home.

Do you have the BD Widget AddOn installed ?

Social Groups already provides compatibility to add to your ForumHome sidebar the Recent Threads (the same that are on the groups home), I also intend to add more widgets as I go on, like the latest groups, or recently updated groups, or newest joins ... I would be adding them on top of BD Widget since that seems to provide the most flexibility for everybody (the other guys already figured out how to add and remove widgets, change order, integrate them in almost any page that has a sidebar including portal, etc).
On the template xfa_groups_group_title

Just use the following
<a href="{xen:link xfa-groups-group/group-detail, $group}">
    {xen:helper groupicon, $group}

That will remove the name of the group :)
1b) Thanks, now how can I have it so that once I've removed the names of the groups, the group images will all space next to and under each other?


2) Once that is done I would also like to be able to place them "also" in the 'message' template under each persons signatures, because many of us access our forum from a mobile device.
1b) Thanks, now how can I have it so that once I've removed the names of the groups, the group images will all space next to and under each other?


2) Once that is done I would also like to be able to place them "also" in the 'message' template under each persons signatures, because many of us access our forum from a mobile device.
On your extra.css, add the following. The images will float.

.thread_view .socialGroup {
float: left;
margin-right: 2px;

There is no way to putting them into the signature at the moment, I do not expose them through the standard $post array available in the message template
On your extra.css, add the following. The images will float.
.thread_view .socialGroup {
float: left;
margin-right: 2px;

There is no way to putting them into the signature at the moment, I do not expose them through the standard $post array available in the message template
I tried that but nothing happened. They are all still under each other, for not being able to place them under the signature area, it was worth a try as it would be nice to be able to see them under the signature area like our medals are...
I tried that but nothing happened. They are all still under each other, for not being able to place them under the signature area, it was worth a try as it would be nice to be able to see them under the signature area like our medals are...
Could you PM or reply with a link to your page ? So I can see what type of html you have and adjust the CSS accordingly

great addon.
After test import from vb4 groups every group has 0 members. When i dig into the group, i can see on the right the members.
Sorry about that. I introduced a members_total column in some update, and I don't think I went back to the importer to also add it as a step.

Hopefully you can run this query manually through phpmyadmin
UPDATE xfa_group SET members_total = (SELECT count(*) FROM xfa_group_member WHERE xfa_group.group_id = xfa_group_member.group_id)

That will update the member count for all blogs
I'll have it added to the importer on the next update.
Hi Rigel,

thanks for response. Had still some more parameters missing. I built a additional import step "Rebuild Groups" which rebuilds threadcounter, postcounter, lastpost username/id, membercounter. Can it provide to you so you can build it in the next release :). Any chance to get Group Icons imported in a future release?
Hi Rigel,

thanks for response. Had still some more parameters missing. I built a additional import step "Rebuild Groups" which rebuilds threadcounter, postcounter, lastpost username/id, membercounter. Can it provide to you so you can build it in the next release :). Any chance to get Group Icons imported in a future release?
Sure, I would appreciate it. Sorry yo had to do that.

I'll add the group icons to the list, I need to revisit vBulletin to remember whether they were stored in filesystem/database. I already have a script for the icons but it is definitely not for public consumption (hardcoded server paths, etc)
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