Hoolio, I personally find the feature somewhat useless at times (most of the time) except when I'm looking through a long list of threads for something specific and they have misleading titles.
Sure, I can get that.
I am trying to ease over community members fond of accessing an established, busy forum via a forum browsing app - to a responsive design, so 3 potential different looks for the web, tablets and smartphones.
We tried going totally
app like with our mobile design but it had a stark 1960's East German / Russian utilitarian vibe that turned out way too basic and depressing! We are now probably going too far the other way - packing in too much info in too small a space.
Somewhere in the middle will be good! We almost certainly cant keep everyone happy!
While you are here - I am conflicted about the following navigation links on the mobile views of the
thread list pages
The existing platform (VB) has a down arrow to take you to
first unread post
The existing platform also has a sideways pointing arrow to take you to the
last post
The date & Time of the last post is also 'clickable' but its not really made clear
What to do on a phone handset when there isn't much room?
Thinking out loud, is the following OK for a mobile / smart phone thread view?
*Thread title links to post 1
*last post date & time (possibly with arrow added next to it) links to the first unread post.
*Pagination number display for long threads
Surely that provides enough navigation points within the thread?
In addition to the above I am OK with also providing:
*Date & time of last post - (the community is used to this and will need it)
*Member name of thread creator - (the community is used to this and will need it)
*Reply count - (the community is used to this and will need it)
*Thread status icons, locked, moved etc, moderation check box
No Avatar - (I don't like the idea of an avatar for the original poster + the community is not used to it)
Thats already 7 navigation links - its a lot to jam into a mobile width tile - I was thinking of showing 3 or 4 threads per screen on iPhone 4 (expanding to possibly 5 on iphone 5)
I am also thinking of adding a 'drag screen to refresh' /
see new last post functionality - that could be good for fast paced threads..?
Refreshing a long thread on a mobile device is an issue - it could become dull scrolling back to the top to do it.. If the drag down idea cant be done I may have to provide a "refresh" and see if anything is new button..
Any thoughts gratefully received.. chime in,..