XF 1.5 SMTP Error info

What does it mean, sender address must match authenticated user?
Where to look for solution to error
Error Info
Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception: Email to ***@***.com failed: sender address must match authenticated user - library/Zend/Mail/Protocol/Abstract.php:431
Generated By: Unknown Account, 1 minute ago
it means (normally) that your sending the mail as joe_blow@ somedomain.com and your SMTP server you are logging to with is with the credentials of jane_smith@ otherdomain.com. They must be the same address.
Odds are Gmail?
I'm not clear what you're asking. The error in the first message is coming from your SMTP server. There's no other logging that XenForo would do.
The error you posted in the first message is coming from the SMTP server you entered details for in XF. XF is just reporting it. For any specific errors from your SMTP server, you need to contact the provider.
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