XF 2.1 Smiliecategory can not delete


Active member
Hi, since a few days I hit around with the Smiliekategorien around.
I can create these - but do not delete them.
With truncate the table xf_smilie_category deleted, and also in xf_phrase all xf_smilie_category_ <nr>
It does not help.
I am creating a category - but I can not delete it.
The problem has only existed since importing the smilie_import.xml from vB4 or the language file from my XF test environment. Everything was OK before that.
Unfortunately I do not know any more.
How can I set everything to 0?
Thank you!
LG: Tammy
First of all, you really should avoid manually modifying the database.

Unless you know exactly what you are doing (which is not the case, otherwise you would not post such threads), this will only cause problems in the long run.

What happens when you click on the recycle bin icon for a smiley category?
Okay, what's in the browser console?

(Chrome on Windows: Open DevTools by pressing F12 and click on Console, if you use another browser -> find out where the console is located)
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