XF 1.4 Smileys - can't activate them


New member

yesterday after fresh installation and vB4 import I imported 480 smileys with xml method.
I used a script that creates a xml import file out of a directory with smileys on the pc.

After I imported them they were all active. But the script set all sizes to 18x18. This was to small so I deactivated them and want to reload them.
Now I have the problem, I cant only activate 7 smilieys. After that I get the error message (The server responded with an error. The error message is in the JavaScript console.) on the screenshot below.

How can I activate all my smileys and show them in the correct size when they are bigger than 18x18?

Otherwise, how do I delete all of them and reinstall just the original Smileys without klicking 490+ times on the delete button?

Thanks for help!


  • Java Fehler.webp
    Java Fehler.webp
    8.2 KB · Views: 10
Hmm, OK, hope this is what you need:
XenForo.activate(%o) [object HTMLDocument] xenforo.js:220
"XenForo.FilterList " Object { length: 0, prevObject: Object, context: <ul.FilterList>, selector: "input[name="filter"]" } filter_list.js:8:16
"XenForo.init() 787ms. jQuery 1.11.0/1.2.8-dev" xenforo.js:209:168
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</html>" xenforo.js:231:168

XenForo.activate(%o) [object Object]
Does this limit also exist when I enable them one after one by hand?
After the 7th smiley I can't activate the 8th or more. I activate the hook in the box and when I reach box 8 its over.
If you're talking about enabling them on the smiley list (with all of them), then it does likely apply. You should be able to enable them by editing them individually.
OK, did the hard way, deleted the content of "xf_smilie" with phpMyAdmin.
The used Smiley Manager to import everything new.

I don't tested that I can activate/deactivate them again. They are all activated and thats what I want.
Maybe the Java or whatever error ist still there.

Thanks for your help!
Odds are the issue will still be there @Izze. This was a problem that turned up (along with some other weird issues) when myself and some others I know got a "few" more smilies than what most use. The max_input_vars that Mike indicated was what I found fixed my (and the others) issues. The other place it turned up was on trying to re-arrange them.
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