XF 2.1 Smiley button takes time to open for second time


Well-known member
Pressing smiley button takes more time to open after first time.

For the first time it shows "Loading..." notice and that is understandable as it downloads those images from server/CDN but if we close and load again it shows no indication of loading and takes time, so it is confusing and end up clicking twice. Since they are cached after first load it should instantly like other buttons.

2.0 loads smiley instantly for second time.
It loads fairly instantly here for me on subsequent times. There's no network connection to load it or its contents because the smilies/emojis you can see have already been loaded, so I'm not sure what would be causing that bottleneck for you.
Thanks for sharing a video of this happening.

There is a slight delay but it is mostly the internal calculations of the menu system. It may be exacerbated by the number of DOM nodes within the menu. So, really nothing unexpected here, and it's really not a significant amount of time. It looks to be about one third of a second.
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