Slovenian Translation for XenForo [Deleted]


Well-known member
BassMan submitted a new resource:

Slovenian Translation for XenForo - Translate XenForo to Slovenian Language / Prevedi XenForo v slovenščino

Slovenian translation for XenForo

Front-end (user interface) is fully translated. Some phrases may be translated for our needs, but you can edit it yourself. If you still find some untranslated or strange translated phrase, please post your suggestions here:

Back-end (admin panel) is not translated and there are no plans to do so.

A branding removal license can...

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BassMan updated Slovenian Translation for XenForo with a new update entry:



- če ste uporabili prejšnjo posodobitev prevoda, ga nemudoma prekopirajte s to različico, saj je v prevodu tudi nekaj vsebine, ki je vezana zgolj na našo spletno stran. Se opravičujem za napako.

- prevedenih oz. popravljenih je še nekaj novih fraz

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- if you used the update before that one, install this latest version of translation, because previous version...

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